Sunday, May 24, 2009

Its very blek

This is the very first time I am disappointed in playing VOLLEYBALL the game which I love since I was grade 3 (year 4) I did play to all kinds of court but this one is so disappointing.

REASONS a lot of reasons….

MY FACE is burned and I am ugly I hate the SUN for this (I didnt know its an open court HUHUHU my face got sunburn and its all painful and black and ugly)

The court is darn small not an official length and width and…….. the rest is history

I did spend a thousand of RINGGIT just to buy all new outfit on this game (my very first game in Malaysia) but its all end up with a mess of all negative…. only one thing I am satisfied of and you know what is that I sweat a lot I burned all calories and fats….. and I have exercise huhuhu I will just enjoy the best I can the next time I will play again

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